Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Off roadin' Tibetan style... coming down from Everest Base Camp

We were enjoying a smooth cruise down the Friendship Hwy. Suddenly, we came around a corner and were stopped by a military man who pointed down hill and said "Follow river" in English. There was some more discussion in Chinese between him and Pubu. Turns out there had been a bad accident involving several large trucks, and the highway had been rendered impassable for about 3/4 of a mile. If you look WAY up you can see the narrow thread of a road etched into the hillside. We headed through a break in the gaurdrail and barrelled all the way down to the floor of the valley. There was NO road, and not even a clear trail to follow. So we did as we were told and followed the river. The Landcruiser was old but rock solid! It was an insanely bumpy ride... the bumpiness accentuated all the more from the multitude of springs in the seats! We were all literally flying around the inside of that beast!! So much fun! Even a small element of danger can really spice a day up!

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