Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kim and Dyki... girls night out!

From the first time I saw Dyki I was fascinated with her hair. Instead of dozens of little braids, she had her hair done in dozens of little twists. I could not figure out how she got the twists to stay in! After we became friends she offered to take me to her hair dresser to get MY hair twisted. So, on my last night in town,, I took her up on her offer. It was so fun! The ladies working on my hair were both Tibetan and were stoked to work on my hair. The whole process took almost 2 hours, in which time Dyki hung out with me in the shop and the 4 of us girls chatted and giggled... They washed my hair then put some kind of gel all through it. She took small pieces of hair, made the twist, and then ran the straightener down the length of the spiral. Crazy amounts of smoke were flowing up from my head each time she would use the straightener. Don't know if you can see the smoke in the photos. Guess it was because my hair was still wet. Anyway, the twists DID stay in... and lasted about 10 days, even in the humidity of Chiang Mai. I was stoked! I thought the twists were about the coolest hair-do I have ever seen. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen twists before. Lots of people with small braids, lots of people with dreads, but never twists. Oh, by the way, this 2 hour beauty treatment cost me 16 yuan... 2 dollars!!

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