Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

no brown sugar for these racists

May 3, 2005
Polygamists on Utah-Arizona Border Under Scrutiny
May 4, 2005
Texas Town Wary of Polygamist Sect's Arrival, May 3, 2005 · Upon the death of his father, 49-year-old Warren Jeffs took over as prophet of the FLDS, or Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in September of 2002. Jeff's father, Rulon T. Jeffs, had been the group's prophet for the previous 15 years. He died at the age of 92, leaving an estimated 75 widows and 65 children to mourn him.

The nearly two-decade tenure of father and son has split the polygamist community on the Utah-Arizona border. After taking power in 1986, Rulon Jeffs slowly abolished the seven-member Priesthood Council that had previously governed the sect. Rulon Jeffs eventually claimed a "One Man Rule" and as a result, part of the group split away and founded their own polygamist settlement nearby.

According to former followers, the prophet is considered to be God's mouthpiece on earth. It is believed that God speaks directly to Warren Jeffs to reveal His will. And through the prophet, God directs which male members are worthy of entry into heaven (females are invited into heaven by satisfied husbands). Jeffs is also the only person who can perform marriages, and it is through him that wives are assigned to their husbands. Pleasing the prophet can result in loyal members being rewarded with one or more wives. Wives are considered to "belong" to their husbands for eternity.

In order to reach the highest degree of glory in heaven, members of the FLDS believe that each man must have at least three wives. A significant means of prophet power is derived from his ability to punish followers by reassigning their wives, children and homes to another man. Obedience is highly valued, and it is rare for wives to resist reassignment.

The group takes its theology regarding "plural marriages" from the teachings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church. But under pressure from the U.S. government, church leaders abandoned polygamy in 1890 so that Utah could gain statehood. Polygamists believe that's when the Mormon Church strayed from the path of righteousness. Likewise, members of the FLDS are not welcome in Mormon congregations, and Mormons who are found practicing polygamy are excommunicated.

Nearly all property in Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah, including residential property, is owned by a church trust and controlled by Warren Jeffs. According to former vice-mayor and Colorado City Councilman Richard Holm, the trust is estimated to be worth in excess of $100 million. Holm also estimates that Warren Jeffs has more than 50 wives. But exactly how many wives, or where Jeffs is currently, nobody outside his inner circle seems to know.

There are widely varying estimates of how many people practice polygamy in North America -- 20,000 to 50,000 and more -- but the secrecy of such groups makes a definitive number elusive.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006

this woman needs something "new"

PWF iso something different maybe even special. Reply to this blog. Please include photo. No real humans need respond.(only "action" figures)

Friday, March 03, 2006

where the hell did you go ?


exclusive staff only lunch

not a happy hillbilly

anyone know this redneck ?

hollars trip to temple square

we arrived just in time to be seated in the 10th row. the performance of the "world famous" tabernacle choir was the reason for the concert. in conjunction with the chorale arts conference being hosted in salt lake city this year. other performers included the bells of temple square -a bell band, wasatch bag pipe team, and the temple orchestra, including the giant organ player (his wacky 2001-ish solos were oddly out of place and tune with the larger performance) and two conductors. the night started off with X-MAS music. talk about lack of material, X-MAS music in march, yes i was embarrassed for these people. next was a failed attempt at playing a couple Bach arrangements. shotty attempt at best. meanwhile between each number the conductor kept informing us that these were the best musicians in the land. the bagpipes arrived for the next couple of numbers and stole the show. the amount of errors between musicians and the conductor reminded me that acting is also part of hiding the mediocracy of the performers. then out of nowhere a patriotic twist. as you can see in the photo the place was lit up red, blue, and i think white. mean while they played 'batttle hymn of the republic'. this was so corny i had to laugh out loud. after 2 hrs it was over. on a five star scale this makes a modest half star. yes i expected to be musically moved by the performance but in the end my butt was sore. as a side note- we passed a small, handmade sign, anti-war protest 2 blocks from the temple. those people were keeping it real !!

one of the hollars own-rippin at the bird

check out ""

real hillbilly kids

Please send me your real "hillbilly kids" photos

baby bitch ?
this is an audio post - click to play

tends to get a little cold in eweturs